Toledo/Flat Rock Speedway Bulletin
Toledo/Flat Rock Speedway Bulletin

August 26, 2014
Toledo Speedway race information—August 29, 2014
The Factory Stock/Enduro race cars will also be eligible to take part in the Flag Pole race Friday night. The Boat Figure 8 race is full.
Here are a few items for you to know for this race:
Pit passes are $20 for ARCA Members and $30 for non-members. However, you will NOT be required to join ARCA to drive for this race.
Need a transponder bracket…if you do not have one, see the tech barn.
If you have a raceceiver, please use it.
Your safety equipment needs to be up to date per our rules.
Helmet: 2005 or newer Belts: maximum 3 year dating
Gloves, Neck collar or head/neck restraint required
Pits: 4:30 Practice: 5:30 Racing: 7:30
Will draw for feature position; 20 laps; $125 to win, $30 to start
Flat Rock Speedway Street Stock race information—August 30, 2014
If we have enough cars, the B Main race will be run on Championship Night. For this event, the top 15 in A Main points and top 10 in B Main points are guaranteed a spot in those feature races. IF you are in both the A Main top 15 and B Main top 10, you must declare what group you will run with. That must be done when you go across the scales Saturday night. Any remaining spots open to fill a 20 car field for the A Main will be done through qualifying.
Flat Rock Speedway race information—September 6, 2014
The Street Stocks and the Figure 8’s will run with the School Bus race on this night. The Figure 8’s have been added. There will be no qualifying; each class will practice, draw for heat races, with the heat finishes and an inversion roll to determine the feature lineups.
We will also be running the Flag Pole race and Road Rage race that night. Both Figure 8’s and Street Stocks may run this event.
6 P.M. START! Pits at 3:30, practice at 4:30, racing at 6 p.m.