Next week, we will be mailing a letter to you regarding the tire situation, tire pricing, fuel pricing and our plans as we move forward with the 2022 schedule. With things changing so quickly, we will wait until we get our deliveries of these items. We will begin the season with the same tire procedure that we had in place last season.
ALL TEAMS: We have adjusted the pre-season tire purchase idea that we printed in the March 12 bulletin. You will be able to buy a total of 4 tires for the pre-season practices---- **You must have a valid 2022 ARCA license and be the registered driver and/or car owner to purchase tires. First day for tire purchases will be inspection day Saturday, April 16. (We will not require you to have your car at inspection day or practice to buy tires…we will be charting all sales).
REGISTRATION/INSPECTION/TIRE SALES/FUEL SALES/PAD RENTAL DAY AT FLAT ROCK! Saturday, April 16, we will be at the track, so you can get ready for the season. Time will be 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Show up and get things done ahead of time…get your car through tech and you will be first out on the track for practice day! Take care of these things on this day! It will be held rain or shine. **CALL SCOTT IF YOU ARE BRINGING YOUR CAR FOR INSPECTION…thank you!
**If you pay for your pad rental by April 16, we will waive the late fee. If you would like a pad, please call 734-782-2480.
The pre-season practices at Flat Rock are Saturday, April 23, Saturday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 4. The first race is scheduled for Saturday, May 7. The first 5 Saturday races at Flat Rock-May 7, May 14, May 21, May 28 and June 4-all have a start time of 4 p.m. PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THIS.
Toledo: First practice is Wednesday, May 11, and the first race is Sunday afternoon, May 15. School Bus Figure 8 race, plus Late Model Sportsman, Factory Stocks and a Boat Figure 8 race. Race time is 2 p.m. for both May 15 and May 22.
Both tracks are looking for a tire changer(s) for the 2022 season. Interested parties can call Scott at 734-782-2480 or 419-727-1100.
Enduro/Factory Stock Tires: As announced Monday, March 7, these 2 classes will run on 8-inch Street Tires…see the rule change on the web pages of each track.
Make plans now to get to the inspection day at Flat Rock Saturday, April 16, or one of the pre-season practices—Saturday, April 23, Saturday, April 30, Wednesday, May 4 or at Toledo Wednesday, May 11. Get your paperwork completed now, get through tech, get some laps and be ready to go for the Opening Days!
Outlaw Super Late Models will continue to be paid by check. ALL drivers…W9 form must be on file prior to payoff. *2022 W9 forms are posted under Racer Info. tab. Save yourself some time NOW and take care of this item.
Track Rentals: The rental policy is now posted under the Racer Info. tab. Flat Rock program remains same and pricing the same as 2021: Toledo: As you know, we could not do rentals last season. We have made some progress with the ambulance companies in town and we may be able to resume a rental/testing program sometime this summer….
Pocket schedules: we should have around April 4. We have added a few promotions, etc. Figure 8 Retro Night at Flat Rock is July 2. Street Stock Retro Night is August 5. Toledo Retro Night for both Late Model Sportsman and Factory Stocks is July 1.
Flat Rock projects: We have covered about 80% of the pit area with additional asphalt millings and have had it rolled out last October. Plans are in the works to add more millings to complete this project. Last fall we sealed the cracks and did asphalt replacement on the edges of the Figure 8 and oval, as well as in the front infield triangle. We will be adding another handicap elevated platform in front of the grandstands, as well as hand-rails in all aisles in the stands. We are also making plans to add a party deck sometime this year.
Toledo projects: The west end of the parking lot has received a new base of asphalt millings. We are searching for a painting contractor to paint the steel structure under the grandstands and a major electrical project in the pit area is in the works…only problem there is a 12-18 week backlog on the equipment needed….
*2022 memberships forms are also available. Be sure to complete and sign the entire form. They also are located under the Racer Info. tab on both track’s home pages.
See you at inspection day and/or the practices! We have held pricing on the things we control…and the rest is out of control! Hang in there everyone…we will see you at the tracks soon.