This Saturday, April 16 is Inspection Day at Flat Rock, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Take advantage of this day to get your car through tech and be the first to be on-track for the upcoming practice days. Rain or shine, this day will take place. There is no pit pass fee for April 16.
*Please call 734-782-2480 if you will be bringing your car through tech this Saturday…thank you!
You can also take care of the paperwork! ARCA memberships, pad rentals, W9 forms and fuel and tire sales will take place. The concession stand and restrooms will be in operation. *As of today, April 12, Brian will be there to mount tires if needed. Welcome back, Brian!
You must have a valid 2022 ARCA Driver and/or Owner license to purchase tires. This is in effect immediately. We will continue the same program we had in place for last season.
Since January 1, 2022, we have had 2 price increases on tires from Hoosier Tire, for a total of a 25% increase from 2021 pricing. Here is the pricing as of April 12, 2022:
D800’S: $150 per tire 3035, 3045: $175 per tire Sunoco Racing Fuel: $10 per gallon
TIRE SALES: As in 2021, we are only policing what we sell. We will chart tire sales and record serial numbers of each tire sold; spot checks on serial numbers and durometer readings will be done on race days. ALL tires are to be purchased from the tracks.
PRE-SEASON TIRE SALES: OUTLAW SUPER LATE MODEL, FIGURE 8, STREET STOCK AND LATE MODEL SPORTSMAN teams; you will be permitted to buy up to four (4) tires during the pre-season, and only at Inspection Day or one of the pre-season practices. The pre-season 4 tire purchase program ENDS on the final pre-season practice day.
Race Season: The Figure 8, Street Stock and Late Model Sportsman teams will be limited to purchasing two (2) tires during the week that your division is scheduled to race. This starts with the first race of the season for each class. **IF you buy tires and have not raced, you will not be allowed to purchase additional tires until you have competed.
OUTLAW SUPER LATE MODELS: You will be able to purchase up to four (4) tires in the pre-season. You will then be able to purchase up to four (4) tires during the week that your division is scheduled to race.
We must manage our inventory in order to have tires available until our next delivery (which is not confirmed or guaranteed). This is an issue with every track, with all manufacturers of race tires. Please work with the system to ensure we can continue to run our scheduled races for your division.
Tire sales during the week will begin after the May 4 Flat Rock practice and the May 11 Toledo practice; Wednesday-Friday of each event. *Due to staffing issues, please call 419-727-1100 (Toledo) or 734-782-2480 (Flat Rock) to be sure someone is there. Tire sales will be cash and carry. Add 3% for credit card use. ALL tires must be paid for on day of purchase.
Saturday, April 23, Flat Rock: pits open at 9 a.m., practice 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, April 30, Flat Rock; pits open at 9 a.m., practice 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wednesday, May 4, Flat Rock; pits open at 3:30 p.m., practice 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Wednesday, May 11, Toledo: pits open at 3:30, practice 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Pit passes for each practice: $20 per person