Driver Bulletin: May 9, 2023
Driver Bulletin: May 9, 2023

*Toledo Speedway practice day is Wednesday, May 10; Pits open at 3 pm; Practice is 5p to 8 p.m.
Thank you to all of you for working through Opening Day at Flat Rock! We’ll get smoother this Friday at Toledo and Saturday at Flat Rock!
WE WILL START ON TIME AT BOTH TRACKS! We will not wait for you. PLEASE be ready. And, be ready when it’s time for your race.
QUALIFYING: Late Models, Street Stocks, Late Model Sportsman, Factory Stocks: Each class will get the 1 to go signal to start your session. DO NOT COME OUT THE GATE FULL BORE…space out between cars. Have respect for the others in your group…that could be you the next time!
RACECEIVERS: Your raceceiver MUST BE IN WORKING ORDER. Too many of you last Saturday were not receiving information. Check your batteries…this is your responsibility. If this continues, penalties will be assessed.
*W9 FORM: complete this form and return to registration or payoff. This must be done prior to payoff. If you need a form, see Kim at registration. You can download a form from the webpages under Racer Info….no form on file, no payoff.
CONTINGENCY DECALS: are available in the tech barns. Please be sure to have them in place…thank you. Race procedure sheet, payoff and contingency award sheets are also in tech barn.
Toledo Speedway schedule-May 12, 2023 (rain date for this show is Friday, May 19)
Pit gates: 3 p.m.
Practice: 5:15, 10 lap sessions followed by group qualifying; 3 cars per session, 4 laps maximum
Racing: 7 p.m.
LMSP heats
Factory Stock heats
LMSP feature-25 laps
Factory Stock feature-20 laps
Flag Pole race
Boat Figure 8 race
School Bus Figure 8 race
**We have 3 boats open for towing! Call 419-727-1100.
Flat Rock schedule-May 13, 2023
11a-11:25a Park rigs
11:30a Pit gate opens
2 pm Practice: SS, OSLM, F8—10 lap sessions
Qualifying: 4 lap sessions: SS, OSLM, F8-3 cars at a time
3:30 Drivers Meeting
4 pm OSLM heats
SS heats-all
F8 heat(s)
OSLM Feature-50 laps
SS-A Main-25 laps
SS B Main-15 laps (if necessary)
F8 feature-20 laps
SATURDAY, MAY 20 AT Flat Rock—NIGHT RACING BEGINS! 7 p.m. start time
**For the first time, we will hold an Autograph Session in the pit area! Session will begin at 6 p.m. and run to 6:45 p.m. NO cars may be running or moving while the fans are in the pit area…NO EXCEPTIONS.
The ARCA Menards East Series, Figure 8’s and Street Stocks will all take part in the autograph session. We’ll have the complete time schedule for May 20 next week